
What is the Abyss?

Question: "What is the Abyss?". Answer: The word abyss simply means “a deep hole”—so deep that it seems bottomless or immeasurable. The word is often used in modern contexts to describe the sea. In the Bible and in Jewish theology, the Abyss is often a metaphorical reference to the place of evil spirits.

What are the songs from the album Abyss?

Songs "Abysmal", a song by The Haunted from Revolver "Abyss", a song by Circus Maximus from the album Isolate "Abyss", a song by Stratovarius from the album Dreamspace "Abyss", a song by The-Dream from the album Love King "The Abyss", a song by Sepultura from the album Schizophrenia

Is the Abyss a place for the containment of evil spirits?

In all of these instances, the Abyss is a place for the containment of evil spirits. It is clear from Scripture that God has ultimate power over all evil spirits. Some of the demons have been consigned to the Abyss and held captive there, while others seem to be able to move more freely upon the earth.

Is the country sinking or plunging into an abyss?

The country is sinking / plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. She found herself on the edge of an abyss. Our line is too short to fathom such immense abysses. The ridge on which we stood ran right against it; it was the only means of approach, while ghastly abysses fell on either side.


